Stories, musings, and learnings about living and working well" rests in a green circle. A dragonfly with multicoloured wings and a green and blue body rests upon the left side of this circle.

Notes from the Field

Read the latest blog post now!


The Live Work Well Dragonfly from the Dragonfly Project (2021). A graphic design of a bird's eye view of the dragonfly rests on a white background. Inside the dragonfly is a word cloud of all the words that were contributed to the Dragonfly Project, with "Balance, Support, Security, Connected, Care, Love, Happiness, Health, Safety" being some of the larger ones.

Who We Are

Read about the goals guiding the Centre, and how the dragonfly represents them.

 Reimagining Care; "All My Relations" Indigenous Ways of Knowing; Displacements, Emergence, and Change; Sexual and Gender Diversity; Disabilities, Access, and Inclusion.

What We Do

Explore our areas of research, their impact, and learn about the Centre's 'Research Clusters,' which reflect the changing nature of diverse families, work and well-being.

Father and son playing

20 Years of Impact

Explore the history, people, and research of the Centre.

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