Knowledge Sharing

Reports & Toolkits, Infographics, and Podcasts

Our research spotlights and fact sheets are brief, plain language summaries of research projects and activities that can be used and distributed widely. They are intended for a variety of audiences: community members, researchers, policy makers, nonprofits and advocacy groups, among others, and are created using our guiding research framework.

When we look at the research within and across our Research Clusters and beyond, we ask:

What does this research tell us about:

  1. effects on diverse families?
  2. effects on well-being?
  3. changes in work and livelihoods?
  4. factors that shape work and family relationships?
  5. needed policy changes?
  6. possible community actions?

Browse the Reports & ToolkitsInfographics, and Podcasts for the latest knowledge tools and information.

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