You Bet I Care!


  • Donna Lero, Professor Emerita, University of Guelph
  • Gillian Doherty, Hillel Goelman, Annette LaGrange, Jocelyne Tougas

Description of Project:

The You Bet I Care! (YBIC!) project was one of the largest and most comprehensive child care studies carried out in Canada. Funded by the Child Care Visions program, Human Resource Development Canada, YBIC! included four studies. Study 1, completed in May 2000, was a Canada-wide study of wages, working conditions, and practices in child care centres. Study 2, completed in September 2000, examined quality in child care centres in six provinces and the Yukon using on-site observations; Study 3, also completed in September 2000, involved an in-depth examination of 231 regulated family child care providers and the factors that affect the quality of care provision. Study 4  (2001) was based on data from family child care agencies in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec and provides an analysis of agency policies and practices as well as wider policy issues that construct the nature of regulated home child care provision.

Read more about this project :

Study 1 - A Canada-Wide Study On Wages, Working Conditions and Practices in Child Care
Study 2 - Caring and Learning Environments: Quality in Child Care Centres Across Canada
Study 3 - Caring and Learning Environments: Quality in Regulated Family Child Care Across Canada
Study 4 - Policies and Practices in Canadian Family Child Care Agencies (Please contact us for a copy of this report.)
You Bet I Care! Fact Sheet (Please contact us for a copy of this factsheet.)

Published articles:

Goelman, H., Forer, B., Kershaw, P., Doherty, G., Lero, D. & LaGrange, A. (2006). Towards a predictive model of quality in Canadian child care centersEarly Childhood Research Quarterly, 21 (3), 280-295.

Doherty, G., Forer, B., Lero, D. S., Goelman, H. & LaGrange, A. (2006). Predictors of quality in family child care.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 21 (3), 296-312. 


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