More Promise than Practice: GBA+, Intersectionality and Impact Assessment
Date and Time
Webinar presented by the Live Work Well Research Centre.
More Promise than Practice: Gender-Based Analysis+ Intersectionality and Impact Assessment extends our knowledge about promising practices in intersectional impact assessments by turning to international literature and examples. We are interested in how to better understand and respond to the experiences of Indigenous women and Two-Spirit persons, youth, and people with disabilities in resource development and extraction contexts.
In Canada, there is limited documentation of practices and resource development related to gendered and intersectional impact assessments involving the experiences of individuals living at the intersections of other social locations, such as Indigeneity, dis/ability, sexuality. The lived experiences of these individuals are most likely to remain invisible and excluded during impact assessment processes creating significant gaps. This research aimed to fill the gaps by turning to international literature and examples of promising practices for addressing gendered and intersectional impacts of resource extraction and development.
During this Webinar you will get to hear from expert panelists about how it is critical to use an intersectional approach to engage some of the most invisible groups during impact assessment.
Panelists Members:
- Sandra Gosling a junior researcher at the Firelight Group and a professional Human Ecologist/Home Economist
- Jacqueline Hansen the Major Campaigns and Women’s Rights Campaigner at Amnesty International Canada
- Bonnie Brayton the National Executive Director of the DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN) Canada
- Deborah Stienstra a Professor of Political Science and the Director of the Live Work Well Research Centre at the University of Guelph
Read the More Promise than Practice: GBA+ Intersectionality and Impact Assessment here
Did you miss this event? Read more information about the outcomes of the More Promise than Practice Webinar.