Mad School Teach-in Webinar

On Friday, March 14, from 12-1:30 pm EST, the Mad School (an activist site that supports academic-community collaborations) invites you to join an immersive online teach-in on mental health! The Mad School focuses their research on Mad Studies, an area of scholarship that centres the history, politics, and lived experiences of people who identify as “mad,” survivors of poor psychiatric conditions, and those who use mental health services.  

This event will be moderated by Adam Davies of the Live Work Well Research Centre (LWWRC). Adam is a co-lead of the Sexual and Gender Diversity cluster where they focus on how gender and sexual diversity can impact livelihoods. Adam’s own research utilizes queer, feminist, and post structural lenses to focus on issues of gender policing in connection to children, youth, and queer men.   

At the Mad School teach-in webinar, we will hear from: 

  • David Reville, a former politician, mental health advocate, and mad educator, who will read from his memoir Making Madness Political. 

  • Kiran Shoker, an artist and educator, who will share poetry that explores cultural anxieties within a woman’s body. 

  • Noah Reid, a gamer, author, and youth representative for 17 Ontario students speaking up for Mad School. 

This event will be facilitated by Kira Smith, a postdoctoral researcher in the history of medicine at the University of Ottawa. Kira is also an instructor at Carleton University in the History Department where she focuses on Mad Studies, and teaches at Toronto Metropolitan University in the School of Disability Studies. 

Closed captioning of this event will be provided using the Zoom closed captioning tool, and the webinar will be recorded for interested parties who cannot attend. To learn more about this exciting free event, please visit the event page on Eventbrite.