Notes from the Field

Read the latest post from the Centre’s blog, where we invite organizations and individuals whose work and values align with our own to share their thoughts and musings about their work and anything that may be important to them. Are you interested in writing a blog? You may be eligible for an honorarium of $100 for a blog of 500-900 words on a topic that fits the Centre’s Work, Vision, and Values. The blog contribution is approved by the Director and edited as needed by the Centre. Please send your proposal to and let us know what you would like to write about!  

Not all Parents Benefit from Canada's Parental Leave Program

TVO's current affairs blog recently addressed the disparities in income support for new parents in Canada. As the blog notes, historically Canada has compared favourably to "its OECD peers when it comes to parental leave," and in December 2017, the Canadian government further expanded its parental leave program. 

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