Past Events

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Countering Policy Exclusions: Canada, disability, and international commitments

Canada has signed and ratified key international agreements including on disability, Indigenous rights, race, the environment, economic and social rights and others. Reports from civil society organizations and researchers suggest that the implementation of these agreements is only partial, resulting in fewer supports and services for people with disabilities in Canada and abroad, and more people becoming disabled. This panel of civil society leaders and researchers will identify key implementation gaps and their implications for people with disabilities. They will also illustrate how women, girls and gender-diverse people with disabilities provide leadership to counter these failures. 

GIIA Network Mini Sessions

Interested in participating in a network for Gender-Based Indigenous Intersectional Impact Assessment (GiiiA)? Join these mini-sessions about different dimensions of GiiiA to learn more. All at 1pm ET on Zoom.  Tuesday, January 16: Things to Know about GBA-Plus in Impact Assessment (with Deborah Stienstra) Wednesday, January 24: MMIWG Calls to Justice in Impact Assessments (with Alexandra Bridges)  Thursday, January 25: The Business Case for Applying (CR)GBA Plus in Impact Assessments (with Melanie Cove)   
A black silhouette of a woman with her hair in a bun is facing right. Her silhouette overlays 3 silhouettes of increasing size, which are visible to the right and left of her silhouette, overlapping each other. The first is a blue silhouette of a bearded man facing left, then an orange silhouette of a man with short, curly hair facing right, and finally a pink silhouette of a woman wearing a hijab facing left. The word "Storied Lives" is at the bottom of the silhouettes.

Storied Lives Discussion Session

The Storied Lives project will be holding group listening sessions for their podcast series, Storied Lives: Shifting Perspectives on Poverty. Created through a joint research project by the Guelph and Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination and the University of Guelph’s Community Engaged Scholarship Institute and Live Work Well Research Centre, this project encourages members of the public to learn more about the causes of poverty by amplifying the voices of those experiencing poverty.  
Rev. Dr. Cheri DeNovo from the waist up in front of a light orange background in the bottom left corner, smiling, wearing a clerical collar. She has blonde, above-shoulder length hair and her arms are crossed. At the top reads, “Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo The Queer Evangelist, CM.” Across the middle is a clerical collar, with 4 rows of grey text with words describing DeNovo. To the right of her provides event details. The bottom right has logos for the Ecumenical Campus Ministry, Guelph Seminar, and pride flag.

The Queer Evangelist: A Discussion with Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo

Rev. Dr. Cheri DiNovo will be at the University of Guelph to discuss themes from her memoir, The Queer Evangelist: A Socialist Clergy’s Radically Honest Tale. Hosted by the University of Guelph campus ministry and the Guelph Seminar, this is an amazing opportunity to hear someone at the forefront of pro-2SLGBTQIA+ advocacy and legislation implementation!

Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy Forum

The Storied Lives Project will be setting up a booth at the annual LISPOP (Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and Policy) Forum event on October 20th! Dr. Leah Levac, co-leader of the Displacements, Emergence and Change cluster, will be there to give you an opportunity to listen to the podcasts or discuss the Storied Lives initiatives about poverty and housing.
On the left, the text ‘Reimagining Livelihoods Forum’ appears in bold letters set in a red and yellow square. On the right side of the banner, an illustration of hands with various skin colours being joined in a gesture of partnership and solidarity. In the middle, an illustration of a firefly is present, and along the bottom, text reads 'Livelihoods are about making a living and a life'.

Reimagining Livelihoods Forum

The Reimagining Livelihoods Forum is a two-day, hybrid event hosted by the Live Work Well Research Centre (LWWRC), University of Guelph, on August 23 and 24, 9:00am-4:30pm ET. This event will be held in English.  The overall goal of the “Reimagining Livelihoods” Forum is to gather with individuals and organizations to share, discuss, and engage with diverse perspectives, experiences, and knowledges about ways to make a living and a life. We aim to address themes of exploring livelihoods, using an intersectional livelihoods approach, and reimagining livelihoods.

Imagining a More Just University

How can we create more just academic spaces that eliminate barriers to access and ensure equity for everyone in the university community?  About the Event In this hybrid event, we will explore how to create more just academic spaces that reduce/eliminate barriers to access and ensure equity for everyone in the university community. We are interested in this topic generally, and also specifically as it relates to the University of Guelph.

A Community Conversation: "Troubling Care"

In this 90-minute online event, Integrating Care and Livelihoods cluster co-leads Amy Kipp and Dr. Roberta Hawkins will moderate a community conversation on care and its complexities.   

Nothing Without Us: Disability Inclusion and the Pandemic Recovery // Rien sans nous: Inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap et relance après la pandémie

Nothing Without Us! The disability community in Canada and internationally has continually called upon all levels of government to include persons with disabilities in its management of the current pandemic and recovery efforts. This side event would focus on how countries can take an overarching “Nothing without us” approach to the pandemic recovery and ensure full social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities.

Findings from an Environmental Scan on Sex and Gender Based Analysis + (SGBA+) in Health Impact Assessment

Please join us for a presentation and discussion about an environmental scan of domestic and international good practices to integrate SGBA+ in health impact assessments to support implementation of new requirements in the Canada’s Impact Assessment Act. RSVP for a link to participate and for a copy of the report: Please share this invitation with others.

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