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Diverse family gathering around an outdoor table

A New Name & New Path

Centre for Families, Work and Well-being Celebrates 20-year history, New Direction and New Name

At the 20th anniversary celebration of the University of Guelph, Centre for Families Work and Well-being held last night, it was announced that the Centre would be taking on a new name and a new strategic direction.

The Centre – which was first founded in 1998 and focuses on researching and promoting family and individual well-being, responsive workplaces and sustainable communities – will be renamed as the Live Work Well Research Centre.

Rainbow flag with text, "Call for Papers".

Call for Papers! Sexuality Studies Association

The Sexuality Studies Association is welcoming proposals for the annual meeting, to be held June 2-4, 2019 at the University of British Columbia, in conjuction with the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Save the Date notice for the Families in Canada Conference

Families in Canada Conference 2019

On March 27 and 28, 2019 in Ottawa, Ontario, the Vanier Institute of the Family will host the Families in Canada Conference 2019 – a national, pan-Canadian conference with simultaneous satellite regional conferences co-hosted by university partners across the country.

Guided by this year’s theme – THINK BIG! – diverse leaders from multiple fields and disciplines who study, serve and support families will gather at this unique and inclusive series of events for two days of knowledge-sharing and catalytic conversation.

Not all Parents Benefit from Canada's Parental Leave Program

TVO's current affairs blog recently addressed the disparities in income support for new parents in Canada. As the blog notes, historically Canada has compared favourably to "its OECD peers when it comes to parental leave," and in December 2017, the Canadian government further expanded its parental leave program. 

The City of Guelph, where the Accessibility Advisory Committee is based

Deborah Stienstra to Serve on the Guelph Accessibility Advisory Committee

The City of Guelph has recently appointed Deborah Stienstra to serve on its Accessibility Advisory Committee for 2018. The Commitee provides vision and direction to staff and Council regarding the removal of barriers that exist within Municipal services, practices and programs. 

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